Why should I take this course?

Full-Stack JavaScript is tailored for individuals keen on mastering modern software and web development. Delving deep into the intricacies of JavaScript and the PERN stack, this course empowers you to bring a concept to life as a polished software product. If you're aiming to navigate the realms of web development using primarily JavaScript, this course is your launchpad.

How to get the most out of the lectures?

<aside> πŸ“Œ Attend the lectures actively!


The classroom provides an environment conducive to immersion in the subject. With real-time interactions with peers and the instructor, you foster not just knowledge but connections. Furthermore, adhering to the class schedule establishes a robust learning routine, ensuring consistent progress.

<aside> πŸ“Œ Engage during live coding sessions!


Active participation during lectures is paramount. With participatory live coding sessions, you have the chance to code along with the instructor, facilitating hands-on learning. Bring your laptop, follow the coding process, and deepen your understanding.

How to get the most out of readings?

<aside> 🎯 Read them!


Read the notes after its topic was covered in lecture. Ideally, revisit a topic a few days after we covered it in class to allow yourself to forget it! This is a form of β€œSpaced repetition,” an evidence-based learning technique.

<aside> 🎯 Quiz yourself!


Finding ways to test yourself can deepen your knowledge. You can use self-created questions or flashcards. A study partner also can quiz you and help you clarify your areas of strengths and weaknesses in your knowledge of the course material.

Is there a textbook available for this course?

<aside> πŸ’‘ No required textbook!


For students who feel they need resources beyond what is available on this website and the Internet, the following book is suggested:

The book is available in print, as well as in various digital formats. In addition, you can read it for free atΒ https://eloquentjavascript.net/.

How should I prepare for the quizzes?

Embrace a proactive approach by focusing on regular practice rather than last-minute cramming. Think of quizzes as in-class formative assessments, similar to clicker questions, that inspire consistent practice. If you enjoy solving coding exercises, you can use online resources such as exercism.org and jschallenger.com.