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Course Number EN.601.280
Course Title Full-Stack JavaScript
Term Fall 2023
Instructor, (email: [email protected])
Department Computer Science
Level Lower Level Undergraduate
Credit $3$

Course Description

This course will teach you programming in JavaScript and several libraries and frameworks to build modern web applications.

A full-stack JavaScript developer is a person who can build modern software applications using primarily the JavaScript programming language. Building a modern application involves integrating many technologies—from creating the user interface (UI or front-end) to saving information in a database (usually referred to as the back-end development) and everything else between and beyond. A full-stack developer is a person sufficiently skilled to work with all such technologies on every architectural layer of the system (back-end and front-end)

<aside> 📌 Prerequisites [official]

$C+$ or better in EN.601.220 OR EN.601.226.


<aside> 💡 Prerequisites [in plain English]

You should have modest exposure to a programming language such as Java or C++:

Course Learning Outcomes

A student who successfully completes this course will be on the expedited path to becoming a Full-Stack JavaScript developer:

  1. You will learn programming fundamentals and basic Object-Oriented concepts using the latest JavaScript syntax.
  2. We explore more advanced concepts such as functional and asynchronous programming with JavaScript.
  3. After exploring the JavaScript language, we will study the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, React, Express, Node) to build full-stack web applications.and time or space complexity constraints.

This course will address the following Computer Science BS Program Student Outcomes:


The lecture meetings will be held in person at Homewood Campus, Hackerman B17, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:15 pm.

<aside> 📌 All students are expected to attend lectures and actively participate in all class activities.


<aside> 💡 Lectures will be recorded and made available for asynchronous viewing.
