Course Homepage

The course homepage will serve as the location for all documents (lecture notes, homework assignments, etc.):


Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) used by most people here at Hopkins. The link to our Canvas course is

We do not use Canvas except for third-party integration with Gradescope (to sync the course roster) and FeedbackFruit (for group member evaluation).

Please note that Canvas "Announcements" are not used in this course! To stay updated with the announcements, enable notifications in Slack.


We will use Slack for all communication. So please use this link to join the workspace for this course. It is preferred (but not required) to use your JHU email to join the workspace.

<aside> 📌 Update Profile

You are encouraged (but not required) to upload a recent photo (use a professional image). The changes you make to your profile are specific to this workspace; they will not affect your profile in other Slack workspaces that you may be a member of.

Announcements: Important announcements, updates, and reminders will be shared over Slack messages. It's imperative to keep your notifications enabled to stay informed and updated. Regularly checking the platform will ensure you don't miss out on any critical information.

<aside> 📌 Each group will get a private channel on Slack.

We will be using the course's Slack workspace to connect with you and to keep you connected with your teammates.


Office Hours

We will not be holding office hours. Instead, you will be forming teams and each team will be assigned an advisor. You will meet with your advisor every week during lecture time. If you would like to have a private meeting with your advisor or instructor, please reach out to them directly.

Git & GitHub

We use Git as a Version Control System and GitHub for Collaborative Programming.

<aside> 📌 Update Profile

Your "name" on your GitHub profile must be your full name as it appears in SIS.
